Prisoner Monday

For the next several weeks, I’ll make Monday Prisoner Monday here at Free Whitewater. A longtime reader previously suggested to me that being in Whitewater sometimes felt like living the plot of The Prisoner.

That fine British series, now being re-made as an AMC program, tells the story of a secret agent who resigns from service, only to find himself in a mysterious place called The Village.

I’m sure some uptight official public servant will look at this and bemoan how I’m besmirching the reputation of Whitewater, but that’s not true. If anything, a comparison to The Prisoner is favorable to Whitewater. I’m not sure that Whitewater — and its officials — have ever been as stylish as those in the series, and any comparison makes our public servants look better than they really are.

Besides, I’m hardly wrecking the reputation of our city; our officials can do that job on their own.

AMC has the full episodes of the original series online, and also offers one-minute summaries of those original episodes. I’ve previously posted the first of the videos:

Here’s the second, one-minute summary.


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