Prisoner Monday

Continuing for the next several weeks, it’s Prisoner Monday here at Free Whitewater. Why? Because a longtime reader previously suggested to me that being in Whitewater sometimes felt like living the plot of The Prisoner.

It’s a great British series, that tells the story of a secret agent who resigns from his agency, only to find himself in a mysterious place called The Village.

AMC has the full episodes of the original series online, and also offers one-minute summaries of those original episodes. I’ve previously posted the first five videos.

Here’s the sixth, one-minute summary, of an episode entitled, “The General.” (“With the aid of an unseen General, a professor develops a subliminal process for educating the population of The Village. Number 6 must discover the identity of the General, and prove that knowledge is not wisdom.”)

Be seeing you….

The full video is also available at AMC.


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