Question of the Day: What will be Different about the Planning Commission Meeting Tonight?

There are two answers to this question — (1) the Planning Commission should have a full complement of members, and (2) I will use a new blogging technique as the meeting airs live.

In big cities across America, bloggers will sometimes post commentary on an event in real time, as it happens. This is not a blog from a big city, but I will try the same technique tonight while watching the July 21st Planning Commission meeting.

The idea is not that anyone would actually watch these posts as they go up – the idea is that live blogging provides readers insight into how a blogger thinks about events from a meeting, unedited, as they happen.

The newer entries will appear near the top.

In some of these cases, the blogger has a drink while live blogging. (The most notable example would be Stephen Green of Vodkapundit.) In his honor, I’ll enjoy a bottle of wine while typing away this evening. (Although I am sure he would prefer a different choice.)

With that, I’ll begin live blogging this evening’s Whitewater, Wisconsin Planning Commission meeting.

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