Raw Milk: The Wonder Tonic?

I don’t know if raw milk’s a wonder tonic, but people in a dairy state should be able to buy it and enjoy natural, unpasteurized milk.

A study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison examined the reasons people want to drink raw milk, and the backgrounds of those who want to drink it:

New research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Community and Environmental Sociology may offer some answers. Researchers surveyed twelve consumers who had purchased raw milk and 13 farmers who sold raw milk.

Eleven of the surveyed consumers started drinking raw milk within the last five years. Their reasons for buying raw milk included improving their health, cultivating relationships with family farmers, good flavor and supporting “local, sustainable farms”.

Ten of the 12 consumer respondents were health-conscious, urban professionals with college degrees….

That’s a description of knowledgeable adults who are able to decide for themselves. Many of these people chose raw milk as part of an organic food diet, sometimes following illnesses that prompted them to consider natural foods. Portraying those who want to drink raw milk as unsophisticated hicks is false. They’re likely as capable as the bureaucrats who do Big Dairy’s bidding by keeping natural, unpasteurized milk away from consumers.

See, Raw Milk: The Wonder Tonic?.

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