FREE WHITEWATER British MEP Daniel Hannan on YouTube Superstardom, the NHS, and His Libertarian Plan for Britain

I previously posted a video clip of a British member of the European parliament in Brussels dressing down British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.  (See, Candid Talk About…England.) 

The MEP was Daniel Hannan, well-known in England.   Hannan’s back in an interview with, entitled, “British MEP Daniel Hannan on YouTube Superstardom, the NHS, and His Libertarian Plan for Britain.” 

(Note: The Reason interview has raised a storm in Britain, because in his remarks Hannan mentions the late Enoch Powell, an anti-immigration politician notorious for remarks on that subject. Two quick points: it’s clear that Hannan is not praising Powell for Powell’s anti-immigration stand, and sensible English commentators know as much. In any event, Reason supports immigration liberalization, so if anyone at Reason had thought Hannan was taking an anti-immigration stand, they would have called attention to it.)    

Here’s Hannan criticizing Gordon Brown: 


Now, the interview: 


Here’s an accompanying description of the Reason interview: 

Reason senior editor Michael C. Moynihan sits down with Daniel Hannan, the Milton Friedman-loving member of European Parliament representing South East England, to discuss his infamous showdown with Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his opinion of the British National Health Service, and what the Republicans could learn from the recent successes of Britain’s Conservative Party.

Hannan spoke at the Heritage Foundation in August. His talk can be viewed here.  Hannan blogs for the Telegraph here.

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