FREE WHITEWATER “F.I.R.E.’S Greg Lukianoff on Threats to Campus Speech.”

Thursday’s a libertarian version of NBC’s Must See TV at FREE WHITEWATER, with three videos from, the video website of Reason magazine and the Reason Foundation.  

First  up, “F.I.R.E.’S Greg Lukianoff On Threats to Campus Speech.” The four-minute video records an interview in which constitutional lawyer Greg Lukianoff of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education describes unconstitutional speech codes on campuses across America.   

Many public campuses across America, in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution, impose unlawful restrictions on free speech, a prissy neo-Victorianism that persists.      

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The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (F.I.R.E.) was launched a decade ago to defend free speech against a wave of campus speech codes, bizarre orientation requirements, and punishments against students and teachers alike from exercising their First Amendment rights. 

Though political correctness has moved off the front page since then, the structural intolerance remains very much in place, says F.I.R.E. President Greg Lukianoff. Lukianoff, a graduate from American University and Stanford Law School, has been with F.I.R.E. since 2001, helping the organization win several legal and public relations battles against censorial universities.

Even so, he says, a full 77 percent of public colleges and universities maintain “laughably unconstitutional codes.” 

In this interview, conducted by Reason Editor in Chief Matt Welch at the Freedom Fest conference in Las Vegas, Lukianoff talks about F.I.R.E.’s successes and sketches out the speech battles yet to be won.Approximately 4 minutes. Shot and edited by Dan Hayes.


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