FREE WHITEWATER No American Should Have to Choose Between Health Insurance and Getting Drunk observes the stark choice some Americans face, every day — health insurance or getting drunk? Following my earlier post, immediately below, with a video on the large number of uninsured who can afford insurance but choose other purchases instead, I’ve posted this brief video. The short video outlines the choices for some of those who can, in fact, afford insurance but just don’t make that purchase.

Here’s the description accompanying the video:

President Obama’s prime-time health insurance speech underscored an important point: No American should have to choose between health insurance and paying rent, between health insurance and getting groceries–or getting drunk, getting designer jeans, or protein powder.

We hear so much about hardworking Americans who need health insurance, but what about the rest of us? Millions of uninsured Americans could afford health insurance, but it would mean giving up some really cool stuff. Support President Obama’s plan to cover all Americans, because no American should have to choose between health insurance and protein powder.

Approximately 1.10 minutes. “Tough Choices” is written and produced by Ted Balaker. Director of Photography is Alex Manning.

No American Should have to Choose Between Health Insurance and Getting Drunk

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