FREE WHITEWATER Steven Greenhut on Public Employee Paychecks, Perks, and Plunder

In a nine-minute video, author and web publisher Steven Greenhut states his case against the financial demands of public sector employees. In his home state of California, Greenhut’s seen first hand how voracious the public sector can be, and how it’s left that state broke, and a pale version of its former attractiveness.

Quick note: Consistent with my prior remarks, I think cuts in a bureaucracy should always begin at the top. Leaders should sacrifice sooner and more than frontline workers.

Steven Greenhut, Editor in Chief of and author of the new book, Plunder! How Public Employee Unions are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation sat down with’s Ted Balaker to discuss the widening gap between public and private sector employment.

Approximately 9 minutes. Shot by Alex Manning and Paul Detrick. Edited by Austin Bragg.


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