Recent Tweets, 5-16 to 5-22

Bet the chimp’s the better forecaster
3:12 PM May 21st via Seesmic

TONIGHT watch IJ’s Bill Maurer on Stossel (Fox Bus., 8 p.m. & midnight ET) discussing IJ’s fight against gov’t reg. of grassroots activism.
4:01 PM May 20th via Seesmic

RT @reasonmag: John Stossel on Asset Forfeiture Laws
4:00 PM May 20th via Seesmic

How long ’til ‘Chianelli’ becomes expression to describe cold bureaucratic utilitarianism from Milwaukee County, WI?
1:49 PM May 20th via Seesmic

Doesn’t take long before small town’s neighborhood association tires of private persuasion & seeks to get its way through local legislation
12:21 PM May 19th via Seesmic

RT @IJ: VIDEO: Should farmers get jailed and fined $1k for selling pumpkins grown outside city limits?
11:10 AM May 19th via Seesmic

RT @IJ: VIDEO: Should farmers get jailed and fined $1k for selling pumpkins grown outside city limits? Please RT
11:09 AM May 19th via Seesmic

U.S. Senator Arlen Specter – I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but I just can’t see how any Democrat could vote for that guy
3:32 PM May 18th via Seesmic

The creepy lies of career politicians RT @radleybalko: This is bizarre, even for the subspecies known as “politician.”
9:26 PM May 17th via Seesmic

Police dog in Edgerton, WI bites police officer and office worker in separate incidents City still wants to keep it
11:24 AM May 17th via Seesmic

Whitewater’s landmark buildings and places — Walworth County Today
7:08 AM May 16th via

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