Recent Tweets, 7-4 to 7-10 – Fowl Fans See Golden Eggs in Catering to Pet-Chicken Market
about 11 hours ago

Android Gains, Apple Wanes — Oh Yes, Yet Again – PCWorld
6:42 PM Jul 9th

Two billion, five-hundred million reasons Wisconsin’s government needs true reform to return to responsibility:
2:08 PM Jul 9th

Secrets of Successful Cricket Spitters (as reported in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
3:27 PM Jul 8th

When gov’t budgets based on “needed” services, rather than need to deduce tax burden, there will be too many services, costing too much
2:35 PM Jul 8th

Right way to reduce bloated government budget: How much in taxes/fees should be returned to people for prosperity? Cut spending accordingly
2:30 PM Jul 8th

He’s very right Laffer: Unemployment Benefits Aren’t a Stimulus Laffer’s better idea: a federal tax holiday
2:23 PM Jul 8th

Lindsay Lohan’s not a libertarian; she’s a coddled & curdled mess One can see she still has money for a ghostwriter
1:38 PM Jul 8th

RT @MSpicuzzaWSJ: Developers avoid millions in property taxes using a Wisconsin tax relief law for farmers Gaming!
12:42 PM Jul 8th

Sushi’s okay but raw milk isn’t Why? Because there’s no fish lobby fighting sushi as there is a big dairy lobby fighting raw milk
2:38 PM Jul 7th

RT @IJ: IJ op-ed: The McDonald case was not just about guns, but about all of our rights. Find out why:
12:16 PM Jul 6th

Running for governor (of WI) with hope — but without much money or recognition
9:08 AM Jul 5th

The Volokh Conspiracy » “If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final.”
7:56 AM Jul 4th

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