Recent Tweets, 8-15 to 8-21

Reason’s Tim Cavanaugh: Injecting more debt into the deflating housing balloon is like trying to drink yourself sober
about 11 hours ago

Growth industry — Lobbying of state Legislature up 12 percent
about 20 hours ago

Walworth County’s back roads draw bicyclists from throughout southern Wisconsin — Walworth County Today
6:55 PM Aug 20th

Raw milk no riskier than eggs, yet eggs ok, milk banned @BreakingNews: 2nd Iowa company recalls eggs for salmonella
3:43 PM Aug 20th

Victory step by step RT @davidgumpert: Fed judge refuses to dismiss ftcldf raw milk case agnst fda. Round 1 to consumers.
3:40 PM Aug 20th

Fruits of diligent inquiry: Middle-of-night repairs done on Dells ride hours before inspection
3:08 PM Aug 20th

UAW Sells Out Members, Holds On To Black Lake Resort | The Truth About Cars
8:40 PM Aug 19th

Bulking up – RT @cyclingfansanon: WSJ: Cyclists Armstrong, Hincapie Broaden Legal Teams
8:30 PM Aug 19th

Gulf oil spill plumes big, have staying power
7:39 PM Aug 19th

“Wis. prison head lives in Illinois” by Latest News — GazetteXtra
3:09 PM Aug 19th via Seesmic for Android

A clique is no match for open and transparent government with one exception: the clique better satisfies the self-importance of its members
11:22 AM Aug 19th

Few hundred self-important men cannot run town as well as majority of its fourteen thousand residents Contrary opinion rests on narcissism
11:17 AM Aug 19th

Cluelessness Watch™ Politician uses his website to joke code enforcement officer is ‘illegally’ parked in town w/ myriad enforcement issues
10:38 AM Aug 19th

RT @nothingbutnets: Great article from @espn about recent trip to Senegal for a net distribution with @NBA Cares!
10:32 AM Aug 19th

Fuel-efficient cars are more effective at conservation than public rail, says Cato’s Randal O’Toole:
10:52 AM Aug 18th

Good grades RT @WiStateJournal: UW ranked 13th among nation’s public universities
12:27 PM Aug 17th

A Referendum for Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Schools » FREE WHITEWATER
10:59 AM Aug 17th

Beautiful Whitewater » FREE WHITEWATER The beauty of my small Midwestern town, in a few wildflowers, and a spider
10:41 AM Aug 17th

The Whitewater, Wisconsin City Manager’s Unpersuasive Lament » FREE WHITEWATER
10:39 AM Aug 17th

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