Recent Tweets 9.18 to 9.24

It’s not going away anytime soon A primer on the Milwaukee County “John Doe” investigation @ Dane101
23 Sep

Corruption probe easily WI story of the day/week/month Those not there are nowhere JSOnline

JS hits state corruption probe again: Governor’s spokesman granted immunity

Nothing but the big themes – Chris Rickert: Butter is better, especially in Wisconsin

State Journal makes MacIver’s Day: Wearing out their welcome: Protesters still at Capitol, irking lawmakers

The real target: Is Scott Walker John Doe?

Lawful elections or deadly disease? It’s all the same to GOP’s Robin Vos – Vos says recalls ‘like a cancer’

Unemployment actually UP Deceptive Headline of the Day™: Most Wisconsin Counties, Cities See Unemployment Drop

AP analysis: Six-thousand jobs Walker Admin touts available for unemployed actually in other states

2nd topic’s even bigger: state wants to withdraw Walker aide’s affidavit on exemptions from collective bargaining law

Boston University study: patent trolls have cost innovators half a trillion dollars

The IMF Expects the U.S. Economy to Get Worse – anemic growth 1.5% ’11, 1.8% ’12

Lead Balloon Alert™: Beloit considers referendum to prevent tax *decrease*

Voters in WI reject curtailing collective bargaining rights to achieve state budget reform –

Oddly low-key Thompson announcement on running: Thompson tells WTMJ he filed papers for U.S. Senate run

This Week: Great Music from Ben Sommer

If politicians already had solid plans, they wouldn’t need summits: Gov. Walker plans jobs summit

Incipient fire sale: U.S. Postal Service move would delay

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