“Red-Ink Tsunami: Why Old Ideas Can’t Fix the New Government Perma-Crisis”

Over at there’s a succinct, useful article on fiscal policies that simply won’t solve America’s economic problems.
“Red-Ink Tsunami: Why Old Ideas Can’t Fix the New Government Perma-Crisis” is a useful reminder – a warning, really – of state and local government’s limitations.

Here are the five “Strategies of Yesteryear that Won’t Work Today”:

1. More federal aid
2. More government debt
3. More taxes
4. More delaying tactics
5. Incremental, stopgap measures

Government’s spending and meddling in Whitewater, in Wisconsin, and in America has never been more discredited than it has been recently. Flacking and floundering is no way to face the new century.

The sound principles of “individual liberty, free markets, and peace” are everywhere around us vindicated and confirmed. What was only a year ago proclaimed dead is not merely alive but our best hope for a prosperous future.

Showy schemes and dubious city projects are nothing as against the American tradition of liberty, open government, and free enterprise. In that old, but eternally new and revolutionary tradition, the best days of our small city, and our great country, are ahead of us.

(Hat tip for the link: Commentary‘s Contentions blog.)

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