Register Watch™ for the April 16th Issue: Surprising Local-o-meter Results!

This is the second survey of the Local-o-meter Credibility Index.

The Credibility Index measures the number nostalgic columns and local advertisements, as a percentage of all ads in the paper.

(Nostalgic columns, such as “Remember when…” are counted as ads to give the paper the benefit of the greatest number of local ads.) The first survey derived from the April 9th issue of the Register.

The combination of local ads (for honest-to-goodness Whitewater merchants) and nostalgic columns are considered against the presence of out-of-town ads, those asking for consumers to shop outside Whitewater. The higher the percentage of local ads of all ads in the Whitewater Register, the greater the credibility of the paper as a local paper. The greater, too, the credibility of local-talking politicians who have weekly columns in the paper.

This survey included the first section of the paper, a free-standing furniture store insert, a free-standing Culver’s insert, a free-standing Homes & Design insert, and an insert called “Out Town,” specifically about Whitewater, Wisconsin.

The Whitewater-specific insert should, in theory, boost the percentage of local ads considerably.

Did it?

Prepare to be shocked, Shocked, SHOCKED…

Local-o-meter Credibility Index
FIRST SECTION — Nostalgic Local Columns + Whitewater Ads 17
FIRST SECTION — Out-of-Town Merchants’ Ads 38
FURNITURE STORE INSERT — Out-of-Town Merchants’ Ads 1
CULVER’S INSERT — Whitewater Ads 1
CULVER’S INSERT — Out-of-Town Merchants’ Ads 0
HOMES & DESIGN INSERT — Whitewater Ads 12
HOMES & DESIGN INSERT — Out-of-Town Merchants’ Ads 39
OUR TOWN INSERT — Whitewater Ads 30
OUR TOWN INSERT — Out-of-Town Merchants’ Ads 5
Credibility of Local Boosterism 41.9%

Amazing — even with the “Our Town” insert, still only 41.9% local ads. I was generous, too, counting ads with Whitewater and Out-of-Town merchants combined as Whitewater-only ads.

Last week had only a 30.7% level of local credibility — it’s better this week, with the Our Town insert, but still a minority of all ads are local!

We’ll have to see how April 23rd’s measurement reveals…


1. Keep in mind — I think you should shop anywhere you want. The point I want to make is that when politicians talk ‘local,’ they should write for publications that have lots and lots of local advertisers.
2. Ads counted do not consider that many out-of-town ads are larger than local ads.
3. All counting was done while drinking Spotted Cow.

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