Register Watch™ for the April 2nd Issue of the Paper

Headline. The banner headline of the latest edition of the Register reassures residents that “City property values remaining constant, says City Manager.” Reassuring, indeed. Does anyone, though, think that the city has kept values here relatively stable? It’s a market, not a command economy…

One more quick point — there’s much complaining from those concerned about housing in Whitewater that housing prices are too high for single-family homeowners. Their solution is to regulate so strictly that, presumably, demand from students, etc., will be stifled, and with less demand, prices will either fall, or grow more slowly (relative to neighboring communities).

Pick one — do you want stable prices, or (relatively) falling prices? If you want lower home prices in some cases, and not others, then do you think that your commitment to regulatory enforcement will produce that result? Hasn’t yet. If, additionally, you want lower prices for new buyers, then be candid that this means, also, lower prices for existing sellers.

Inside. Inside, one finds a political ad for incumbent politician Marilyn Kienbaum.

One learns that she considers herself “the People’s Voice.” Which people, exactly? Perhaps those who will find comfort in the notion that Kienbaum’s a “Life long Whitewater area resident.” It’s likely to be effective — there are enough people who care about something like this to re-elect Kienbaum. Life long? What lessons of true value does Kienbaum offer this community for being a toddler, or schoolgirl, nearby? Someone who was here for twenty years’ time, or ten, is so much less knowledgeable as to be unsound?

One sees also, that she wants to treat “all residents with respect and dignity.” If by this she means students, then I wish her well. I wonder, though — Has everyone in town been treated with respect and dignity from Marilyn Kienbaum?

Much more might be said about all this – about Kienbaum, her candidacy, her political contributions (such as they are). I will say as much, in a separate post (one of a few election-related posts) on Monday. — that’s it? When I first saw the website, I thought that I would let it settle for a month, to see what it might look like. It’s been over a month, and it hardly looks like anything at all. Admittedly, it’s not a multi-colored, garish mess, but it’s not much of a newspaper website, either.

If the website were meant to be an escape route for Southern Lakes from print publishing (and I don’t know), then that route’s likely too hard for them to travel. What they’ve launched is anemic, slight, and uninteresting.

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