Register Watch™ for the November 6th Issue of the Paper

This is Register Watch™ for the November 6th issue of Whitewater, Wisconsin’s weekly newspaper, the Whitewater Register

Above the fold this week, there are two main stories in the Register, and both are straightforward.  Not easy, I’m sure – but a better paper for it.  The first talks about the clear majority for Obama among city voters.  I made a prediction along this line earlier this year, but that’s not much of a prediction – Obama has a large, confident group of supporters in the city, and was sure to win.  One might as well have predicted cold weather in Antarctica. 

The story reveals how close the vote between Obama and McCain was in Walworth County, though, and that’s a difference from elections prior. 

As with progressives within the city, however, I don’t see what progressives county-wide will make of the result.  Obama represents change – doubt not about that – but many of the local and county Democrats are just dull, slightly different versions of their local Republican opponents.  It’s laughable to think that some local Democrats represent any change at all. 

It proves the point that a man can support Obama, and ride on his coattails, but still be a self-important mediocrity. 
Obama, like Reagan, will have the support of many who would be an embarrassment to the party leader himself, were leader and partisan ever to be acquainted.        

The other principal story on the front page describes the continuing budget planning for the City of Whitewater. The city held a special budget meeting Thursday, having been scheduled two days later than usual because of the November 4th election. 

The fourth paragraph tells a preliminary tale: “…the tax levy is $2,315,066, an increase of 2.1 percent over the current budget.”  You can guess why it’s a familiar 2.1% increase, as of the story’s publication: “The 2.1 percent increase is the highest allowed under the revenue caps mandated by the state.”  (Emphasis added – the Register does not use color within its copy.)

Like tax incremental financing, a governmental ceiling often becomes a governmental floor – “if we don’t spend or borrow it, gosh darn it, we’ll lose it!”  Sheer ability to act justifies the actions themselves. 

The Register also sports a brighter white jacket with darker – quite dark, really – newsprint inside.  It’s a cost-savings measure, perhaps, to avoid using brighter newsprint throughout.  Perhaps it’s necessary.  Still, few will see it as a sign of a healthy paper.  

Good stories will produce a good look, and the newsprint will take care of itself. 

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