Register Watch™ on the New Register Website

In the February 12th issue of the Whitewater Register, the paper announced that it had ” joined forces,” with other newspapers in the Southern Lakes chain to participate in an online portal,

(‘Joining forces’ is an inapt description. Ordinarily that expression involves a measure of free choice that one would not expect from a mere link in newspaper chain; the Register, presumably, could not have said ‘no’ to participating.)

I thought I would give the site a month to settle before commenting.

It’s a rudimentary effort, unlikely to match sites from the Janesville Gazette, or the Daily Jefferson County Union.

Too little, but perhaps not too late in cyberspace, where change, and relaunches, are more common than in print.

As for the print edition, I think it has an inauspicious future. The shift of municipal officials’ attention to other papers is simply prudent – the Register counts for less than ever before.

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