Results of the Primary for the Wisconsin DPl Superintendent’s Office

The AP reports on the primary for Superintendent of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.  AP Writer Scott Bauer’s lede is “Evers, Fernandez easily advance in school race.”  Well, yes, Arch-Bureaucrat Tony Evers and Home School advocate Rose Fernandez easily outpaced three other minor candidates (Van Mobely, Price, and Holtz). 

What’s surprising is that Evers – with the backing the 98,000 member (!) teachers’ union – and the advantage of being the only candidate to run television ads – out-paced Fernandez only about 35% to 31%. 
Evers will probably pick up enough support from the lower-tier candidates to win, but how can he not be disappointed?   He had the support of one of the strongest unions since the Soviet Union, and still only finished four points or so ahead of someone who championed virtual (that is, home) schoolers?  To someone with twelve or thirteen degrees in education (but not one in mathematics, physics, art history, or political philosophy), Fernandez probably seems like someone who believes that the earth is flat.   
(Note to the Whitewater City Manager: Just in case we don’t have enough task forces going in Whitewater, you might want to establish a Flat Earth Investigatory Task Force.  I’ll bet there aren’t many towns in America that have a task force like that.)    
Related links — as collected from the AP —

Department of Public Instruction:

Wisconsin Education Association Council:

Tony Evers:

Rose Fernandez:

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