Sen. Ron Johnson: From Ludicrous to Malevolent

I’ve previously described Sen. Ron Johnson as America’s Dumbest Senator™, and his years in office confirm that assessment. A man who was formerly ludicrous, however, may now be fittingly described as malevolently mendacious.

Sophie Carlson, Laura Schultz, and Patrick Marley report Wisconsin reports record-high 48 coronavirus deaths as Sen. Johnson falsely claims state has flattened the curve:

Wisconsin on Wednesday reported a record 48 deaths from the coronavirus and admitted its first patient at a field hospital as U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson falsely claimed the state had flattened its curve of COVID-19 deaths.

The Republican from Oshkosh contended the public had been tricked into “mass hysteria” a day after state Rep. Joe Sanfelippo, the chairman of the Assembly Health Committee, maintained there is nothing more the government can do to combat an illness that had killed 1,681 in Wisconsin as of Wednesday.

“Generally deaths are still pretty flat because we’ve flattened the curve,” Johnson said during a call hosted by business lobbying group Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce. “We’ve gotten better at treating it.”

He made the comments just hours before the state released figures showing the last seven days were the deadliest of the pandemic, with 173 deaths due to the virus between Oct. 14 and Wednesday.

The five counties reporting the most deaths in the last week were Waukesha, with 10; Outagamie and Waupaca, with nine each; and Brown and Marathon, with eight each.


“Of course the curve has not flattened and we don’t have the virus under control,” said Patrick Remington, a former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention epidemiologist and director of the preventive medicine residency program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

We are well past the point where one could contend Johnson is simply slow-witted or ignorant; his claims are evidently dishonest to anyone of even rudimentary ability.

He’s not simply ludicrous – he’s malevolently spreading lies about the condition of Wisconsin’s public health.

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4 years ago

What’s become of RoJo? Ever since he spent the fourth of July in Moscow, he’s been increasingly bizarre. He’s long been a dufus, but has morphed into an increaingly shrill Trump-lover. No conspiracy theory promoted by Trump goes un-investigated by RoJo. I would think that someone near him would take him aside and suggest that he might want to check Trump’s claims out privately before he shreds the tatters of what is left of his reputation. He is either too bullheaded, or too compromised, to take heed, clearly. Mere stupidity does not explain this adequately.