September League of Women Voters Newsletter

I’ve received the September 2009 Whitewater-Area League of Women Voters newsletter, and have posted it on the left sidebar of this page, under Organizations. Here’s the link: September League of Women Voters Newsletter.

Here are some upcoming LWV events, with more information in the full newsletter:

September 17th Program on Child Poverty
Please join us on Thursday evening, September 17th, at 7:00PM in the Municipal Building Council Chambers for an important community discussion on child poverty. Our guest speakers are Sabrina Gentile, Governmental Relations Manager for Wisconsin Council on Children and Families, and Jo Bernhardt, Principal of Lincoln Elementary in Whitewater. Sabrina will provide an overview of the Vision 2020 Campaign – A Perfect Vision for Wisconsin to End Child Poverty by the Year 2020.

The goals of this advocacy campaign are to increase awareness of child poverty, develop statewide policy solutions that address the root causes of poverty, and encourage communities and policymakers to make the elimination of child poverty in Wisconsin their top priority. Whitewater Elementary School Principal Jo Bernhardt will provide a local perspective on this pressing social issue by sharing observed affects of child poverty in Whitewater schools. For more information about Vision 2020 visit

September is membership month so please consider bringing a friend or neighbor with you to this meeting!

City Listening Session on September 29
The Whitewater League of Women Voters will co-host a listening session with the City of Whitewater on Tuesday evening, September 29th, from 6:00PM-8:00PM in the Cravath Lakefront Community Center. After a brief presentation on issues related to the 2009-2010 budget, city staff and council members will be present to address citizen concerns and questions. Please attend and bring a friend or neighbor. We are all stakeholders in the life and future of our community.

2009-2010 Contemporary Issues Lecture Series

The College of Letters and Sciences at the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater is once again offering the Contemporary Issues Lecture Series. All lectures will be in the Young Auditorium at 7 p.m. and are free and open to the public. Contact Susan Johnson ( or 472-4766) for further information.

October 12, 2009 — “How to Be a Mexican” Alma Guillermoprieto
Alma Guillermoprieto is considered an authority on the cultural and political life of Mexico and South America, especially as they relate to the United States. For the last thirty years, she has traced the history of Latin America incorporating her personal experiences. Born in Mexico, and raised in Mexico and in the U.S., Guillermoprieto is a MacArthur Fellow, and a winner of the George Polk Award for Foreign Reporting. Two of her books, Looking for History and The Heart That Bleeds, are collections of her stories on Latin America, covering everything from the Colombian Civil War to the “Dirty War” in Argentina. Drawing from one of the most respected bodies of journalism of the past three decades, Guillermoprieto is now asking, what does it mean to be a Mexican today?

Fairhaven Lecture Series

All lectures are open to the public at no charge on Mondays at 3 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall, located at the Fairhaven, 435 West Starin Road, Whitewater, WI 53190. Sponsored by the UW- Whitewater Office of Continuing Ed. The Fall 2009 Series will look at various aspects of our global, U.S., and local economies.

September 14th, 2009: “Prospects for Economic Revitalization in Urban and Underserved Communities.” Richard McGregory, Interim Director, Academic Support Services

September 21st, 2009: “What Happened to the Greatest Companies on Earth?” Nikki Mandell, Associate Professor, Department of History

September 28th, 2009: “Why Prices are Good, Trade is the Same as Technology, and Other Fun Things in Economics.” David Welsch, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics

October 5th, 2009: “The Spillover Benefit of Student Housing on Property Values and Tax Revenues in Whitewater.” Russ Kashian, Associate Professor, Department of Economics.

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