Sorman: The Financial Crisis Seen [Clearly] Through Free-Market Eyes

Guy Sorman of City Journal writes at length in the Dallas Morning News about the financial crisis:

As in the 1930s and 1970s, so today: Crises are a serious problem, but misguided economic policy makes them worse. After the 1930s, only war production could overcome the negative economic consequences of the New Deal.

After the stagflation of the 1970s, it took the bold leadership of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan to reorient the West toward free markets and prosperity.

How long will it take this time before governments understand that overreacting to the crisis and imposing disproved Keynesian remedies will dampen and delay economic recovery? The answer depends on the ability of free-market economists and commentators to communicate their narrative of the crisis.

See, The Financial Crisis Seen Through Free-Market Eyes.

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