Story, Investigation, History

One reads a story, about a municipal investigation, into the conduct of other public officials, serving on the Whitewater Community Development Authority. The story is from WhitewaterWise, City officials: Internal investigation finds CDA engaged in ‘lack of proper documentation, communication and transparency’ when it ‘wrote off’ more than $750,000 in loans.

The story is not mine, as I am not a journalist (and do not aspire to be).

The investigation is not mine, as I am not a member of the government (and do not aspire to be).

And yet, there is a story, and there is an investigation, that points to a history of interest to this libertarian blogger (and doubtless many other residents).

That history has awaited, with patience, our consideration: it is the history that brought us here, all of us, into the present condition of the city. It is unavailing to say that this past must not be considered, as it has already been felt: there is no greater reflection on the past than for residents to feel its effects every day.

While Whitewater is beautiful beyond compare, she has not been a place for thorough and dispassionate reflection. Perhaps she never will be.

Whether dispassionate (as it should be) or overwrought (as it likely will be), Whitewater should press on in thorough consideration of the politics and policies that have brought us here. This consideration will show the measure of the officials who have exercised authority, not merely their measure when in authority, but their measure of composure now during an examination of that authority.

Category Link for the Series: A SERIALIZED DRAFT.

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