Terrorists in the Soup Kitchen

Reason magazine posts on a request from the United Way of Central Maryland  that a local soup kitchen certify that they were in compliance with anti-terrorism laws:

Baltimore’s Viva House soup kitchen and food pantry has been feeding the poor since 1968, and for many years, it has gotten funds from the local United Way. But officials were surprised recently when they got a letter from United Way telling them they had to sign a form confirming they were “in compliance with all applicable anti-terrorism financing and asset control laws, statutes and executive orders” or the agency would not provide them with any funds, even those pledged to the soup kitchen. United Way says the PATRIOT Act requires them to have this form on file before releasing any money to any agency it helps.

Via Terrorists in the Soup Kitchen – Daily Brickbats : Reason Magazine.

For more on the story, see Anti-Terrorism Begins at Home: Viva House refuses to sign United Way “loyalty oath.”

Are you part of a charity that’s been asked by United Way — or any other funding agency — to sign a pledge like this?

I’d be interested to hear your story.

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