Thanks from Those Who Deserve Our Thanks

I received a letter from the Relay for Life Team sponsored by Pete’s Tire Service. The relay team wanted to thank those who made their Brat & Burger fry a success. They had their best turnout this year.

I am happy to post the letter, all the while remembering the volunteers on the team deserve our thanks.

The Relay for Life team sponsored by Pete’s Tire Service of Whitewater hosted its annual Brat and Burger Fry on Friday, July 25th at Pete’s Tire Service just east of Whitewater on Highway 12. We had our biggest crowd ever. The event raised $2,399 to go towards Whitewater’s Relay for Life to be held on Aug. 1 and 2 at the Cravath Lake Front.

The team’s goal is to raise $4,000 this year. Last Friday’s proceeds will put the team well on its way to reaching its goal.

Once again we had wonderful community support for this event.

The team would like to thank Pete & Suzan Brock for being so supportive every year, Rachel (Brock) Yackels, of Pete’s Tire Service for relaying information to Pete and doing such a great job at the grill, Jonathan Brock for his help setting up and being the “gopher”, Jim Stewart & “John Adams” for the publicity on their websites, Anne Griffiths and Whitewater Family Practice for allowing us to display our street banner, Chuck Nass for his advice on where to display banners, the area newspapers for help in getting the word out, Culligan Dalee Water Treatment for donating bottled water, Frawley Oil Company, Inc. for donating ice, Sentry Foods for the gift certificate towards the purchase of the brats, Jim & Kathy Schumacher for picking up the supply of burgers, Firestone for covering the cost of the burgers, Home Lumber for the loan of the picnic tables, Bob Strand of Strand Builders for the donation and everyone that came out to eat or who made a donation to the American Cancer Society.

For more information about the Whitewater Relay for Life go to

Best wishes to everyone on the team, and all those others supporting the 2008 Relay for Life.

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