Thanksgiving News Update from the Institute for Justice

Here’s a holiday recap of projects ongoing at the Institute for Justice:

Happy Thanksgiving! We wanted to send you a quick update on what the Institute for Justice has been up to over the past month.

Live in Connecticut? Want brighter teeth? It’s a felony for anyone but a licensed dentist to offer teeth-whitening services. Watch our entertaining video about our lawsuit here.

Sorry, Governor Haley Barbour – in response to your veto in 2009, voters overwhelmingly approved eminent domain reform, making Mississippi the 44th state to pass legislation in response to Kelo. (Arkansas, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Oklahoma – we’re looking at you!)

Hello, Sunshine State! IJ launched its new Florida chapter with a lawsuit challenging Hialeah’s anti-competitive street vendor laws.

Check out IJ’s first historical mini-documentary about how the 14th Amendment protects your liberties from government tyranny.

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