The Antidote to Grim Forecasts

What will Whitewater do, in the face of grim economic and fiscal forecasts from Washington?

Set aside the temptation – so very strong in Whitewater, Wisconsin – to say that all our hard decisions were the fault of some federal politician.

They’re not – we’ve made poor choices long before the current Congress.

There’s a way out, though, if we’d abandon the idea of a municipal government that’s too big for our city, to stifling in its regulations, and too intrusive and presumptuous in its desire to shape life here.

A much smaller municipal government will lift a significant burden from this struggling town. We can have a much brighter future privately than the politicians of the city can offer publicly.

This can be our opportunity for a city made better not under a bureaucrat’s pedantic guidance, but through free exchanges between residents without a master plan, yet producing a result better than any plan.

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