The Foul Air in Which Chicanery Breathes Easily

In nearby Janesville, they’ve a state senatorial candidate hinting that he’ll bring General Motors back, and a big talkin’ developer (with whom the candidate is associated) now saying the same thing.

These economic promises are no sounder than the hooting and screeching of apes.  (Less sound, actually, as even foul quadrupeds in the rain forest usually mean something genuine by their vocalizations.) 

How did this happen, that the city’s overrun with schemers and scoundrels? 

Economic desperation may be a cause, perhaps.  Hunger paves the way for the manipulative. 

There’s another cause, though: a press that’s lost its way, and caved often to white-collar welfare programs, now finds itself too weak and disrespected to critique effectively the bad ideas before its own city. 

Yielding to bad proposals has polluted Janesville’s political air. 

Although it may be hard for ordinary residents to breathe without choking, it’s just the foul atmosphere in which chicanery breathes easily, and on which it thrives.   

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