The Recovery Was An Illusion But That’s A Good Thing — Forbes

Sy Harding, in Forbes:

Yes, the economic recovery was an illusion. So let’s not talk of double-dips. Let’s face the reality that the real economy’s first dip is still underway, that the real economy is still scraping along a bottom.

That’s not a bad thing. It’s better than the thought that the economy recovered but is already heading back into another recession. That the real economy is still scraping along a bottom brings hope that at some point soon it will begin a real recovery. That could come quicker than having to survive another dip into recession and another fear-filled wait for that recession to reverse into another recovery.

Maybe with the economy now shaking the artificial recovery out of the economic reports, showing us where the real economy lies, the government should just keep its hands off and let the free market system play out its normal cycle.

What’s better depends on what restores employment and prosperity most quickly.

Via The Recovery Was An Illusion But That’s A Good Thing – Great Speculations – Buys, holds, and hopes – Forbes.

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