The Return of the Status Quo, Twice as Loud as Last Time

There are two trends I think well possible for my part of the world, one of which matters, the other not at all. The first, the one that matters, is that Whitewater, Wisconsin is heading toward conditions in which she has a permanent underclass. That’s tragic, for everyone in the city, and a large topic for other days.

The second, the one that doesn’t matter, is that one can expect a lurch in local politics toward an even louder defense of all things status quo, of all things institutional. The skepticism that some felt toward government was a temporary one, less a principle, and more a partisan position against incumbents of an opposing party or faction. Expect many who voiced doubts to become, now, defenders of things institutional.

For some others, who always took a fawning posture, there’s nothing left except to repeat the same devotions to the status quo in a louder voice. They’ll falsely insist that they were right all along, and that recent events have vindicated every last thing they ever believed. Criticism will become harder, and less acceptable, than ever before.

For libertarians, there’s always this question: Go it alone, or form alliances with other groups? See, for example, The Case for Libertarian Independence.

In the end, I believe that we should go it alone, welcoming new friends, but not expecting allies, along the way. Books, pen, paper, keyboard, time having lived in the world, and principles learned from so living — that’s what we have, and all we need.

Let others seek partisan gain here or there, we’re better off going it alone, on relying on conscience and principle.

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