The True Fashion-Setters

I don’t have a great knowledge of comic books, but I do know a bit, about some. I wish I knew more. We’re a creative country, and the art and stories of comic books have been part of our culture for generations. They’re so much a part of this culture, that successful comics can be wildly profitable, with large numbers of fans, and the chance for major films based on their characters. (Some of those geeks with large collections are now major forces in Hollywood.)

Comic-Con International went on this past weekend in San Diego. Over one-hundred thousand people attended during the three-day event.

Here’s a video to show what it was like:


Some of these attendees are out-of-the-ordinary, but this is one of the places a free, prosperous society leads: to individual creativity and fun that need not apologize for not fitting in. On Friday, one of the commenters to this website wrote something that reminded me of the words of the great English philosopher, Adam Ant:

We don’t follow fashion
That would be a joke
You know we’re gonna set them, set them
So ev’ryone can take note, take note

Some of the people at events like this will probably wind up setting fashions for others to take note.

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