The Washington Post on the Dour Bob Barr

The Washington Post’s Libby Copeland offers a profile of a dour Bob Barr (reprinted at the CBS website).

Barr just doesn’t have much of a sense of humor.

Copeland includes an anecdote about Barr’s behavior at a charity event, when he licked whipped cream from two women in exchange for a charity donation. Needless to say, in Barr’s case there was nothing remotely shocking about the incident.

(The press would surely have a different reaction if the incident involved a more charismatic politician. Barr will never be so described.)

It may be part of the challenge with Barr’s candidacy – he’s rightly skeptical about government, but he has no expressed sense of irony to share with voters, no inside joke on which he might include others.

Here’s the link –


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