The World’s Smallest Political Quiz

Your friends, if you call them such, probably send you any number of chain emails each day with polls, quizzes, and personality tests.

I’ll offer you one, too, but at least I’ve not sent it to you.

Here’s a quiz called the World’s Smallest Political Quiz, from the Advocates for Self-Government website. The website is libertarian, but the quiz has gained respect from non-libertarians, too.

The website also has links to other libertarian topics.

How did I score?

Libertarian of course, with 100% on personal and economic questions. (It would have been 90% on economic issues, but I see no timeline on the switch from welfare to private charity, so I felt comfortable with my own interpretation of a transition to private charity, and the retreat of the undependable, intrusive state from these spheres over time. Some accomplishments now, some later, all finally. I’m an optimist.)

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