Think Whitewater’s ‘Eat Local’ Challenge

A buy local movement in my town has issued an ‘eat local’ challenge. I’ll take that challenge. I’ve questioned parts of the buy local campaign, but I’m open to eating locally.

(Readers know that I’ve opposed city officials’ meddling in what should be a private merchants’ campaign. It’s not the business of our city government to endorse some merchants over others; that’s the role for consumers in the marketplace. I have also had doubts about the definition of ‘local’; residents employed at our Walmart are just as local as any other workers in town, and I will not demonize the employer who offers them work, or the consumers who rely on that retailer.)

I’ll happily take a challenge, though, to eat locally, if that challenge truly means all businesses in Whitewater. I frequent our famers’ market, for example, and picked up some fine produce there again yesterday.

Thirty days’ worth of local dining? My pleasure, I’m sure.

Here’s the flyer the buy local campaign is distributing:

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