Tonight on Stossel: Earth Day Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity

Over at the Fox Business Channel, tonight’s 7 PM Central episode of Stossel will consider Earth Day Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity.

Host John Stossel is scheduled to interview documentary film director Stephanie Soechtig about her film, Tapped. Stossel will have a chance to ask the directory about the many false and hysterical claims that her film makes about drinking water. (That’s unless she backs out.)

Regulation-loving bureaucrats often use legitimate concerns for environmental conservation as a way to foist new government plans and schemes on people. The environment’s not made better thereafter, but the economy – and individual freedom – suffer in the effort.

Instead of one more wasteful program, or one more hysterical film, those concerned about the environment can support real and lasting conservation through programs like that of the Nature Conservancy.

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