Tonight on Stossel: The Green Craze, 7 p.m. Central, on the Fox Business Channel

If you’ve not had a chance to catch John Stossel’s self-titled program, Stossel, on the Fox Business Channel, there’s a new program tonight, at 7 p.m. Central.

On tonight’s show, Stossel discusses the green craze:

‘Going green’ – it sounds so good, so pure! Who wouldn’t want to save the planet? What can we do? Bike to work? Ban plastic bags and use fluorescent light bulbs? How about using wind and solar power? Stossel tackles these ‘green myths’ and others such as ‘America can go carbon-free,’ ‘ethanol is a good fuel substitute,’ ‘the Energy Star label means it’s energy efficient,’ and ‘electric cars are the next big thing’ – The media have made that last claim since 1915!

Joining the program this week: Bjorn Lomborg, the Skeptical Environmentalist; Robert Bryce, author of “Power Hungry”; Heather Rogers, author of “Green Gone Wrong”; and Greg Kutz from the Government Accountability Office.

I support conservation causes, including the Nature Conservancy, and I’m skeptical about the over-use of the term green. Some projects just aren’t green, no matter how many fig leaves one tries to drape over them. That doesn’t mean there not worth doing – it simply means that one shouldn’t pretend that digging up a field is anything other than a brown project.

Saying otherwise only obscures — through inadvertence or intention — the actual environmental cost of an undertaking.

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