UW-Whitewater Chancellor Telfer to serve as interim UW System President

UW-Whitewater Chancellor Richard J. Telfer will serve as the University of Wisconsin System president when Kevin Reilly leaves the post at the end of the year.

Michael Falbo, president of the UW System Board of Regents, made the announcement in a news release Wednesday.

Telfer, chancellor at UW-Whitewater since 2008, will serve as interim president starting Jan. 1, and will stay in the post until a new president takes over.

I’m well aware of the irony that FREE WHITEWATER is the first local publication to post this news (FW is mostly a site of commentary, not breaking stories).

Overall, though, I’d say that the chancellor’s work elsewhere won’t alter the policies or conditions here appreciably – I’d guess the university will implement as it has, with no major policy changes during this interim period.

Via UW-Whitewater chancellor to serve as interim UW System president @ Wisconsin State Journal.

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11 years ago

I see the Peter Principal is alive and flourishing in the University of Wisconsin System.