UW-Whitewater’s Chancellor on Paid Administrative Leave

Update, afternoon of 9.3.20 — there is no chance – none whatever – that I will write in any detail about this matter without a careful review of published, substantial claims or documents. (I have never written about a matter like this without a review of published claims or documents, and never will.)

Original post from this morning, re-publishing a statement from the UW System, appears below — 

Earlier today, UW System Interim President Tommy Thompson announced that UW-Whitewater’s chancellor, Dwight Watson, has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the completion of a UW System investigation:

MADISON, Wis.—University of Wisconsin System President Tommy Thompson today issued this statement:

“Effective today, UW-Whitewater Chancellor Dwight Watson has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation into a complaint. We will have no further comment on this personnel matter at this time. UW-Whitewater Provost Greg Cook will serve as leader of the university until the complaint is resolved.”

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3 years ago

[…] results of an investigation that credibly exonerated him. Watson returned to work thereafter. See UW-Whitewater’s Chancellor on Paid Administrative Leave and UW-Whitewater’s Chancellor, Dr. Dwight Watson, Resumes University […]