Victory for Liberty: U.S. Supreme Court Recognizes Right of Individuals to Gun Ownership in Heller Decision

This morning, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision striking down an onerous and unconstitutional ban on gun ownership in the District of Columbia.

Individual liberty includes all the rights guaranteed in the Constitution – including an honest reading of the Second Amendment.

Anti-gun groups will decry this decision, but the scholarship in support of the right of individuals to bear arms for self-defense and hunting is simply overwhelming.

Attempts to argue for a more restrictive interpretation of the Second Amendment are second-rate and historically dishonest.

Libertarians of all types have strongly contended for a sound reading of the Second Amendment. The right of individuals to bear arms is a fundamental American liberty guaranteed in our constitution.

The full decision is available at Dist. of Columbia v. Heller, No. 07-290

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