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6 years ago

It took me a minute to understand what was going on here. The city link has only audio but somehow you have a video and audio of the same meeting. In the post from before, you suggest audio as a solution so that explains why you have not complained about “AUDIO ONLY” from city hall.

I guess you made a point about proficiency without without rubbing it in. Nice work, John.

It’s back to campus and for many it’s another year of uncertainty. It’s been a long time since we have had a stable administration around here. It is nice to have everyone back in town, however. That is a consolation all its own.

Who knows that the semester will bring?

A Town Squire
6 years ago

I agree that Audio only was an option.I’m not sure how you did this video version but I hope people understand it shows what it means get something done.Agree or disagree on issues, you do good work. Thanks for taking the time.