Walworth County Genealogical Society — Ice Cream Social, August 4th

I’ve received the following press release that I am happy to post —


The Walworth County Genealogical Society will meet Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 7:00 PM, for the Annual Ice Cream Social at the Community Centre, 826 E. Geneva Street, Delavan.

Members will bring a variety of toppings for and the Society will furnish the ice cream and beverages.

There will be free items from the Walworth County Genealogical Library to give away such as genealogy newsletters, magazine and books. Attendees may bring genealogical and/or quality craft items to sell.

The monthly Society meetings are open to the public. Anyone who would like to know more about their ancestors is encouraged to attend. There are several members of the Society that can help you get started on your family tree.

For additional information, please call the Society’s Vice President at 275-2426.

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