Walworth County Genealogical Society Meeting

British National Archive Research Program
The Walworth County Genealogical Society will meet Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 6:30 PM, in the Community Centre, 826 E. Geneva Street, Delavan.

The Society will feature Ann Wells of Crystal Lake, Illinois. The British Interest Group of Wisconsin and Illinois member will present a program called “Access to the Archives.” The British National Archives has a wealth of information for people interested in finding ancestors located in the British Isles. Wells will explain how to find the information by using your computer in the comfort of your home without having to cross the ocean to visit the British National Archives in person. Be among the first to hear this very informative new program.

Ann Wells is known throughout Illinois and Wisconsin as an experienced speaker often giving talks at local and regional conferences, seminars, societies and workshops. The McHenry County, Illinois Genealogical Society calls her, “One of our most knowledgeable genealogy members. She is willing to share her experiences and insights concerning the process necessary to join such societies as the DAR, Jamestown Society, First Families of Ohio, Mayflower Society, etc.” Wells has spoken to the Walworth County Genealogical Society in the past and members always look forward to her presentations.

The program and brief business meeting are open to the public free of charge. For additional information, please call the Society’s Vice President at 275-2426.

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