Walworth County Genealogical Society: Upcoming Events

I received the following press release from the Walworth County Genealogical Society about two upcoming meetings, in September and October.

The Walworth County Genealogical Society will meet Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 7:00 PM, at the Community Centre, 826 E. Geneva Street, Delavan.

The speaker will be R. Gray Betzer, director and owner of Betzer Funeral Home, Delavan. He will speak about the information compiled by funeral home directors such as death records, burial records, obituaries and monument inscriptions, plus interesting stories connected with funerals and memorial services.

Three generations the family have been involved in the funeral business. Sterling Emmett Betzer, a Harvard, Illinois native, first opening a funeral home at the present site of the American Legion Building on Second Street in Delavan in 1934. He was joined by his son, Robert Sterling Betzer, who later purchased the interests of the Lackey and Liddle Funeral Home. At that time, in 1942, he became a partner of Henry O’Brien at the present location of the funeral home. Robert Betzer became sole owner in 1961.

Robert’s son, R. Gray Betzer, joined the business in 1969 and has carried on the family business.

The Betzer Funeral Home was built in 1909 by John Holland, noted circus performer, and the 100th anniversary is being marked this year.

Of interest to genealogists, Robert S. Betzer documented his family tree and was a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Society of Colonial Wars. One of his Ridley ancestors is buried near the Patriot Paul Revere in the Old Granary Burial Grounds, Boston, Massachusetts.

The public is invited to the monthly meetings of the Genealogical Society and everyone will find the talk by R. Gray Betzer covers the more serious side of funeral arrangements along with the unexpected lighter moments.

The Walworth Genealogical Society and the Burlington Genealogical Society will be co-sponsoring a Family History on Saturday, September 26, at the Faith Christian School, Hwy 67, Williams Bay. The event is open to the public

For additional information, please call the Genealogical Society Vice President at 275-2426.

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