Walworth County Sunday on “Time to Open the Roadmap”

From Walworth County Sunday, an endorsement of U.S. Representative Ryan’s Roadmap for America’s Future:

Poll after poll suggests the profligate president and his party are vulnerable to a smart, clearly articulated alternative that does not further elevate the ravenous federal leviathan. But GOP leaders, from national strategists to congressional heavyweights, have been either unwilling or unable to rally around a message – one of intellectual substance as well as tea party style – that offers a clear response to the Democrats’ reflexive Keynesian expansion of government….

Ryan’s Roadmap for America’s Future, first introduced in 2008, is a daring, comprehensive proposal that reforms ballooning entitlements, addresses the debt crisis, cuts taxes, puts health care decisions in the hands of consumers and promises to once again jumpstart the American economic engine….

Inexplicably, most Republicans see this [smears and distortions against the plan] and remain bashful about publicly embracing Ryan’s Roadmap, even as it gains traction in the debate over the nation’s percolating debt crisis. They seem content to shamble about in the tall weeds, hoping that an ineffectual president alone will ensure their political survival. Given the stakes and the opportunity before them, this is almost laughably gutless.

Well said.

The Ryan’s Roadmap is a way out of encroaching government and oppressive debt. There are few politicians in all America more contemptible than those glutinous Republicans who have embraced big government so that they can keep a place for themselves at the federal, state, or local trough. They sold out the principles of their party, and in doing so, greased the path for an even more profligate federal administration to follow their own.

I’m not a Republican, but I look at that party, and the damage some big-spending Republicans have done to the GOP, and I think that those incumbents must be among the most selfish men one could ever meet.

Ryan’s Roadmap offers a better way for America.

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