What About Badger Suits in Wisconsin?

I see that in Nevada, Democrats have been teasing a Republican
candidate for U.S. Senate, Sue Lowden, by hiring people to walk around in chicken suits at her campaign stops. They hit upon the idea after Lowden said that perhaps voters should barter for health care, as when “our grandparents would bring a chicken to the doctor.” The Democrats call their effort “Chickens for Checkups.”

Lowden is one of a dozen Republicans vying for the Republican nomination to face Senate majority leader Reid in the fall.

Nevada officials have now banned the wearing of chicken costumes within 100 feet of polling places, on the theory that wearing those chicken suits would constitute issuing a political message too near a polling place. See, Chicken costumes banned at Nev. polling places.

Okay. Let’s say that makes sense, as of the political message directed against a single candidate.

What about apolitical costumes? What if someone in Wisconsin wanted to wear a badger suit? That’s no partisan message — this is the Badger State. Why not be able to dress like one? What about a dairy cow costume? We’re also America’s Dairyland. Why do so? Just for the sheer joy of dressing like a badger, I’d say.

I’ll have to see if anyone has tried something like that in Wisconsin. If not, it just might represent someone’s great opportunity…

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