Wheels to Whitewater program brings Latinos to university campus — Walworth County Today

Here’s a great idea, described in a press release of the Delavan-Darien School District, to give prospective college students a chance to learn about university life:

Delavan-Darien High School Latino students had a chance to visit UW-Whitewater recently as part of the University’s Wheels to Whitewater program, according to the Delavan-Darien School District blog.

The program provides students who might not otherwise have the chance to visit other colleges with the opportunity to do so. It is also another way for the university and prospective students to make personal connections.

Here’s the link to the blog post: Wheels to Whitewater program brings Latinos to university campus.

Via Wheels to Whitewater program brings Latinos to university campus — Walworth County Today.

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