Whitewater Publication Requests

Good afternoon, my fellow residents. I have two quick requests that someone might be able to fulfill, short of an open records request.

First, I am looking for the issue of the Whitewater Police Department’s quarterly newsletter in which Chief Coan writes about the police officer as warrior. The issue is probably several years old, and it features, I recall, a column in which Chief Coan holds out that old and discredited theory as though it were an evergreen insight.

I am also looking for a photograph, published online during Whitewater’s police department’s re-accreditation process. In the photograph, taken while the re-accreditation team was still in town, and before any evaluation could be finished, a member of the PFC stares into the camera, grinning like nothing so much as the Cheshire Cat. (There’s not much subtlety in Whitewater.)

At the respective times, both the column and the photograph were offered without apparent irony. I wouldn’t wonder that those who offered them were proud of both, and likely are just as proud of them now.

So be it – the confidence in both should produce only a proud offer now. How could it be otherwise? Offered initially with seeming self-confidence, a more modest view could hardly be expected now.

Surely someone in the city saved these treasures.

I may be reached, as always, at .

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