Whitewater Schools’ District Administrator Resigns

Dr. Suzanne Zentner will leave the Whitewater Unified School District to take an educational position in Arizona:

It is with mixed emotions that I have decided to leave my position here, as I feel we have just begun in many ways. So many of you have made such deep impressions on me, warmly welcoming me back to the community I left 20-plus years ago and helping to strengthen and support me in my position here. I will remain forever thankful for what has been a remarkable and memorable professional and personal journey.

From my very first words at our opening convocation, you heard me talk about 21st century learning. Although that concept means different things to different people and looks different among the various districts striving to capture its essence, the core notion remains deeply rooted in what we do in our schools and throughout our nation to better prepare our graduates (and ourselves) for the ever-changing world. I once read an eloquent excerpt from a writer expressing the idea of having to get deeper into his work as a way of becoming more effective. It went something like this…. “If you are going to write a book about stevedores, go work as a stevedore for a period of time.” That said, I have been presented with, and have just accepted, a very rare opportunity to get deeper into where I believe we are, as educators, as a nation, and as a society heading into the future.

In my new position, I will be serving as the National Director of K-12 Education with The Apollo Group in Phoenix, Arizona. This new setting will allow me to further combine my passions for education and business by focusing exclusively on 21st century preparedness with a specific focus on entrepreneurship and innovation to districts nationwide….

See, Thank You, Whitewater! (May 2011).

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