Whitewater Schools’ Presentation of Goals

This morning, I posted about the 10.28.19 Whitewater Unified School District board meeting. See School Board, 10.28.19: 3 Points. That post, I mentioned that I would request copies of the goals presentations from Monday night that were not included in the agenda packet.  Today, before submitting my request, I received a note from the district (to which I have replied) that the goals presentations have now been added to the WUSD’s website.

So, readers can find these presentations one of two ways — on the district’s website (as attachments to the agenda) or embedded below. The links in the presentation for our middle school can be found in full as documents on the the district website.)  Each presentation is worth reading and considering – educational goals are among the most important work of any community. Included are the presentations for Lakeview School, Whitewater Middle School, and Pupil Services.  Also embedded below is one the of WUSD online documents about a possible consolidation with Palmyra-Eagle (with supporting documents available online).

[embeddoc url=”” width=”100%” download=”all” viewer=”google”] [embeddoc url=”” width=”100%” download=”all” viewer=”google”]


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A Town Squire
5 years ago

Good, a win for more information. Congrats to you and the district for putting these documents up.