Whitewater Schools: The Search for a New District Administrator

The Whitewater Unified School District now finds itself in need of a new district administrator. To that end, the district released a brief statement two days after current administrator Dr. Mark Elworthy submitted his resignation:

On Tuesday, October 8, Dr. Mark Elworthy notified the Whitewater Unified School District that he plans to resign as District Administrator and that his last day in the district will be October 25, 2019.

The Whitewater Unified School District School Board thanks Dr. Elworthy for his three and a half years of service to our community. We wish Dr. Elworthy and his family all the best in their future endeavors.

The School Board is developing a plan to hire an interim District Administrator and plans to conduct a full search for a permanent District Administrator to lead our District as we work to fulfill our mission of inspiring and empowering students to achieve excellence in a safe, innovative and educational environment.

A few remarks:

First, Do No Harm. There has been, at least in some of our schools, a more humane and tolerant direction and ethos.  Those gains must not be lost; on the contrary, they are among the best actions this district has ever taken. (Note well: I mean this as written, literally and truly.  It is a defensible proposition.)  If finding someone as an interim (or later a permanent) replacement brings a reverse, this school board will have done far worse than merely having acted hastily.

 Awareness of Departures. There isn’t surprise in this. There are a limited number of administrative positions open in public school districts, and so those openings are public matters easily tracked (and often reported in their respective communities). One merely needs to be attentive.

 School Board Meeting, 10.7.19.  An embed of the open session portion of the 10.7.19 meeting appears above. As always, the best record is a recording.

  Palmyra-Eagle (video @ 1:34). What happens with the Palmyra-Eagle School District matters (dissolution, consolidation), and it makes sense to plan; it seems that contingency planning for outcomes with Palmyra-Eagle has been thorough (more thorough than would have been likely under previous budget managers).

That thoroughness should help this district focus on the primary concern of its own educational offerings and the conditions under which its students – whether few or many – go through their days.

 Particular Needs (video @ 11:11). One commits to what one should, both under the law and more importantly for what is right in a well-ordered, civilized community.

Markets.  So libertarians, as I am, and many others, believe in free markets in capital, goods, and labor.  People should be free to build, buy, and work with what or where they want, subject to the terms of any contracts they’ve signed. It’s not my role – and it never will be – to represent a government administrator, but one wishes Dr. Elworthy and his family the best in all that awaits. If they should love a place half so much as one loves Whitewater, then they shall be fortunate, indeed.

As for our small and beautiful city, there is much work ahead.

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