Whitewater, Wisconsin: Televise!

We have a fine public access cable channel in Whitewater. That station provides the only full and unedited coverage of our common council, planning, and school board meetings.

Without that programming, we’d have no way to check against ambiguous meeting minutes and cheery spin.

Let’s televise other public meetings: Police & Fire Commission, Community Development, assorted task forces, etc.

That’s a big job: if there are not resources enough to record every meeting, let someone set up a video camera and record it.

If someone in Whitewater complains that this can’t be done, ask him or her to show you, under Wisconsin law, why it can’t be done. Ask for an opinion letter from our municipal administration’s city attorney.

Our city deserves more than some nervous incumbent’s vague pronouncement about possible risks; instead, deliver a clear statement of law.

As policy, public bodies should be proud to have their proceedings recorded, for their fellow residents to see.

Go ahead, Whitewater – embrace this opportunity for open and accountable government.

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